Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Final paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 6

Final paper - Essay Example The films also include a savior, or police officer with a conscience and who is incorruptible. Family, brotherhood, and loyalty are the typical themes of most John Woo films. Heroic bloodshed movies tend to have strong emotional angles, not only in between the story, but also during action sequences. Pistols and submachine guns are frequently used by the heroes due to their light weight, which enables them to move quickly. The characters are extremely agile and implement dives, slides, falls, and rolls while they duel, making it a ballet-like performance in the midst of a gunfire. John Woo’s A Better Tomorrow came later in the list of Hong Kong movies I have viewed. It was an exciting experience to watch it for the first time. A Better Tomorrow was a 1986 mega box-office film in Asia. The film contains Woo’s signature style of violence, emotional tension and male bonding. The film focuses mainly on the bond between two main characters, and brings about the Asian traditional themes of loyalty and brotherhood. A Better Tomorrow depicts the activities of the Hong Kong criminal world, involving ‘brother Mark, the main characters best friend whose exuberance, loyalty, and style that spawned a whole generation imitators in film works, among them, Quentin Tarantino. This film won the Best Picture and the Best Actor Awards in the 1987 Hong Kong Academy Awards. At its commence, Mark, the character played by Chow Yun Fat’s strikes me as charismatic, with a style that is appealing. The viewer is introduced to him chewing a toothpick while ordering food before he meets Ho, played by Tung-Li. Almost instantly the viewer sees the relationship between Ho and Mark; friendly and playful. The sense of family and comradeship is already established within the first 5 minutes. Mark has a warm, trusting appearance from which his charisma shines. Equitably, Ho has such character and expression on his face. Later in the film, Ho’s brother Kit discovers

Monday, October 28, 2019

Analysis Annual Report 2010 Bayer Essay Example for Free

Analysis Annual Report 2010 Bayer Essay Profitability Which indicators have been brought forward in the annual report of the company? Which specific targets are aimed at? How does the group state and assess the evolution of profitability in the annual report? Is there more recent public information about this issue? Where? Is this information in line with the one mentioned in the annual report? Is it indicating a similar evolution? What are the main propositions of the company to improve its profitability? Financing What is the global financing strategy of the group? What is the evolution of the financing cost (several indicators)? What is the shareholders’ remuneration program? What are your sources (of information) regarding this issue? Investments What are the main investment / disinvestment policies? How are these investments financed? What is the outlook of the company regarding this issue? Consolidation process What are the most important consolidated subsidiaries? (Eventually mention the approximate number of subsidiaries)? Are there associated companies? What is the evolution of the income attributable to shareholders (or result part of the group)? What are the comments of the company regarding this issue? What kind of indicators does the company report about shareholder value? Are those indicators compared with other information? International standards Does the group announce the non-publication of some standards? If yes, for which reasons? Among explanatory notes associated with the consolidated accounts, choose one that is relative to a specific standard. For this note, report essential characteristics that highlight the differences in terms of recording and reporting in the relation to Belgian GAAPs. What is the impact of IAS/IFRS referential (if any) on the account that is concerned by this note? Global diagnostic Is there important recent information about this company? Would you invest in this company? Why? Business sector What is the main business of the group? Firstly, we have to know that Bayer was founded in Barmen, Germany in 1963 by Friedrich Bayer and Johann Friedrich Weskott his partner. It is a global and an inventor company with core competencies in the domain of health care, nutrition and high-tech materials. They produce and provide services to benefit people and improve their quality of life. In addition, they seek to create value with the help of innovation, growth and high earning power. For them, sustainability is very important for their social and ethical responsibilities. Its headquarters are in Leverkusen. This is one of the largest phamarceutical companies in the world and has three sebgroups: Bayer CropScience, Bayer HealthCare and Bayer MaterialScience. Led by the management holding company, they also have three services companies which operate independently: Bayer Business Services, Bayer Technology Services and Currenta. Are there other activities, complementary businesses within the group? Bayer CropScience has products in crop protection and nonagricultural pest control. It also has activities in seeds and plant traits. Bayer HealthCare is Bayers pharmaceutical and medical products subgroup. It is involved in the research, development, manufacture and marketing of products. It comprises a further four subdivisions: Bayer Schering Pharma, Bayer Consumer Care, Bayer Animal Health and Bayer Medical Care. Bayer MaterialScience is a supplier of high-tech  ­polymers, and develops solutions for a broad range of applications relevant to everyday life. Bayer Business Services located at the Bayer USA Headquarters in Pennsylvania. It handles the information technology infrastructure and technical support aspect of Bayer Canada and USA. Bayer Technology Services is engaged in process development and in process and plant engineering, construction and optimization. Currenta offers services for the chemical industry, including utility supply, waste management, infrastructure, safety, security, analytics and vocational training. What are the main groups competitors? The main group’s competitors are Merck Co, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer and Sanofi Aventis. Indeed, GlaxoSmithKline have the second post in the pharmaceuticals world just behind Pfizer. Sanofi Aventis is in fourth place and Merck Co and Bayer share the third place. Which main risks (that are inherent to this business sector) does the company mention? Which hedging policies are put in place? Business operations necessarily involve risks. So according to Bayer, effective management of risks is a key factor in sustainably safeguarding a company’s value. Risks are assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively in determining strategies of the strategic business entities. The risk management system is set on the Group Intranet. Directive published explains the basic principles of this management in accordance with German Law.According to Bayer Group, the definition of the risk is represented by events and possible developments within or outside of the group that would decrease the value of the company. These risks are described as follows: Legal risksBayer Group is exposed to numerous legal risks from legal disputes or proceedings to which they are currently a party †¦ So it is therefore possible that legal or regulatory judgments could significantly affect the revenues and earnings of the company.Industry-specific risksSome governments intervene directly in setting prices and the government reimbursement systems favoring less expensive generic pharmaceuticals over brand-name products, which diminish earnings from Bayer’s pharmaceutical products and could potentially render the market introduction of a new product unprofitable. So if it necessary, Bayer’s Group adjusts his business plans according to the significance of governmental intervention. Sales of the Group are subject to seasonal fluctuations and CropScience business particularly affected by weather conditions. Moreover the early identification of trends in the economic market is important elements of the Bayer’s Group business management. Finally where it appears strategically advantageous they may acquire a company or part of a company and combine it with their existing business. The integration processes associated with their acquisitions are steered by integration teams. Appropriate resources are provided to support the integration processes.Product development risksThe Group’s competitive position, sales and earnings depend significantly on the development of commercially viable new products and technologies’ production. So they therefore devote substantial resources to research and development. Furthermore it is possible that effects of their products may be discovered after regulatory approval or registration. So litigations and associated claims for damages due to negative effects can materially diminish their earnings.Regulatory risksOur life science businesses, in particular are subject to strict regulatory regimes relating to the testing, manufacturing and marketing of many of our products. In some countries regulatory controls have become increasingly demanding like in the USA or in EU. That may increase product development costs. So Projects have been initiated to coordinate the implementation of new regulatory controls and mitigate any negative implications for the business. Patent risksA large proportion of Bayer’s products is protected by patents. When a patent defense is unsuccessful, or if one of our patents expires, our prices are likely to come under pressure because of increased competition from generic products entering the market. The legal department, in conjunction with the relevant functional departments, regularly reviews the patent situation. Potential infringements of Bayer’s patents by other companies are carefully monitored so that legal action can be taken if necessary. Production, procurement market and environmental risksProduction capacities at some of their manufacturing facilities could be adversely affected by, for instance, technical failures, natural disasters †¦ This applies particularly to the biotech products because of the highly complex manufacturing processes. If in such cases they are unable to meet demand they may suffer declines in sales revenues. So they address product and environmental risks by way of suitable quality assurance measures. In addition, they are committed to the international Responsible Care initiative of the chemical industry. IT risksMajor disruptions or failure of global or regional business systems may result in loss of data and impairment of business and production processes. As a consequence technical precautions such as data recovery and continuity plans have been established together with the internal it service provider to address this risk. Risk to pension obligations from capital market developmentsThe Bayer Group has obligations to current and former employees related to pensions and other post-employment benefits. Changes in relevant valuation parameters such as interest rates, mortality and rates of increases in compensation may raise the present value of the pension obligations. This may lead to increased pension costs or diminish stockholders’ equity. Financial risksIn this part we are speaking about the management of financial and commodity price risks. As a global enterprise, Bayer is exposed in the normal course of business to credit risks, liquidity risks and various market price risks that could materially affect its net assets, financial position and results of operations. The various risks associated with financial instruments are outlined below together with the relevant risk management systems. In this risk there is a lot of subcategories: Credit risks: arise from the possibility of the value of receivables or other financial assets being impaired because counterparties cannot meet their payment or other performance obligations. To effectively manage the credit risks from trade receivables, Bayer has put in place a standardized risk management system Credit limits are set for all customers. Finally to minimize credit risks, financial transactions are only conducted with banks and other partners of first-class credit standing in line with predefined exposure limits. Liquidity risks: arise from the possibility of not being able to meet current or future payment obligations because insufficient cash is available. Those problems are centrally managed in the Bayer Group. Sufficient liquid assets are held to meet all of the Group’s payment obligations when they fall due, thereby ensuring solvency at all times. The size of this reserve is regularly reviewed and adjusted as necessary to current conditions. Then credit facilities also exist with banks. Markets risks: relate to the possibility that the fair value or future cash flows of financial instruments may fluctuate due to variations in market prices. Market risks include currency, interest rate and other price risks, especially commodity price risks. Currency risks: since the Bayer Group conducts a significant portion of its operations outside the euro zone, fluctuations in currency exchange rates can materially affect earnings. Currency risks are identified, analyzed and managed centrally and systematically. The scope of hedging is evaluated regularly and defined in a corporate directive. Then a significant proportion of contractual and foreseeable currency risks is hedged, mainly through forward exchange contracts and currency options. Interest rate risks: The Bayer Group’s interest rate risks arise primarily from financial assets and liabilities with maturities exceeding one year. Interest rate risks in the Group are analyzed centrally and managed by the central finance department. This is done in line with the duration set by the Board of Management, which implicitly also includes the ration of fixed-rate to floating-rate debt. Then the duration is subject to regular review. Other price risks (especially price risks): The Bayer Group requires significant quantities of petrochemical feed stocks and energy for its various production processes. The prices of these inputs may fluctuate considerably depending on market conditions. This applies particularly tothe MaterialScience business. They have addressed this risk by concluding long-term contracts with multiple suppliers. The operation of their production facilities requires large amounts of energy, mostly in the form of electricity and steam. To minimize the exposure to energy price fluctuations, they aim for a balanced diversification of fuels for steam production and a mix of external procurement and captive production for power generation. As we can see the overall risk assessment is based on a consolidated view of risk each. There were no risks identified may endanger the existence of the group in 2010. And this is the continuation of the previous year. Profitability Which indicators have been brought forward in the annual report of the company? Which specific targets are aimed at? The profitability of a company makes the relationship between the results obtained by the company and the means used to achieve this result. The result of a business can be estimated thanks to different criterion, such as:Operating income: Which one measures the earnings generated from the production activity of the company? The profit of the year: Which measures the net result of the company, when expenses and benefits have been taken into account? The Value Added: which measures the wealth created thanks to the production function of the company? Similarly, the means used by a business can be measured by:The total of assets: this corresponds to the measurement of assets used by the company to produce. The equity: measurement of all financial resources used to produce starting. Capital stock: it is all the financial resources made available to the company by shareholders. We must not forget that a business can be profitable but still have a lower profitability of its sector. That’s why its profitability should be compared with the one of its main competitors. Thus a possible lack of competitiveness could be detected. There are 3 kind of profitability: Return on business ; Return on assets ; Return on equity. The profitability indicators highlighted by the Bayer Group in its annual report are the following: EBIT (before special items) EBITDA (before special items); Cash flow return on investment ; Earnings per share ; ROE (return on equity); ROA (return on assets). So concerning specific targets we believe that shareholders, investors and potential investors, suppliers and staff are the key audiences that are intended profitability indicators. How does the group state and assess the evolution of profitability in the annual report? Is there more recent public information about this issue? Where? Is this information in line with the one mentioned in the annual report? Is it indicating a similar evolution? The group assesses its profitability by focusing on the various indicators mentioned above. In its annual report, the group highlights a number of indicators of profitability, which are: EBIT EBITDAThese indicators are reported in order to allow a more accurate assessment of business operations. The company considers EBITDA before special items to be a more suitable indicator of operating performance since it is not affected by depreciation, amortization, impairments or special items. By reporting this indicator, the company aims to give readers a clearer picture of the results of operations and ensure greater comparability of data over time. EBIT for 2010 came in at â‚ ¬ 2,730 million whereas it was â‚ ¬ 3,006 million in 2009. This decrease is due to several factors that are: Sales of the Bayer Group rose by 12.6% from the previous year to â‚ ¬35,088 million; in 2009 the amount was â‚ ¬31,168 million, thanks largely to the recovery in the Material Science business. Adjusted for currency and portfolio effects, sales grew by 8.0% ; The cost of goods sold advanced by 13.0% to â‚ ¬17,103 million. This was mainly due to a considerable increase at MaterialScience, which in turn resulted chiefly from the growth in volumes and higher average raw material prices for the year. The ratio of the cost of goods sold to total sales was 48.7%, this ratio increased by 0, 1%, it was 48, 6% in 2009. Selling expenses rose by 11.1% year on year to â‚ ¬8,803million, it was â‚ ¬7,923million in 2009, and were thus equivalent to 25.1% of sales. Health Care accounted for the greater part of the increase. The group raised their research and development expenses in 2010 by a further 11.2%,the amount increased from â‚ ¬2,746million in 2009 to â‚ ¬3,053million in 2010;

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has a population of nearly 9.2 million people in 2012 (World Bank) and it produces over 48,951,000,000 kWh. ( It has the world’s sixth largest proven oil reserves and the fifth largest natural gas reserves. However, despite all this, UAE’s methods of generating electricity are going to soon come to an end. There are many ways to generate electricity and they each have their advantages and disadvantages. The major way to generate electricity is probably through fossil fuel plants. However this is not a renewable energy source. There are many other ways that countries use to generate electricity such as Solar energy, wind energy, wave energy, and magnetic energy. In the UAE, natural gas and oil are used to generate electricity. Natural gas is a fossil fuel formed when layers of buried plants and animals are exposed to intense heat and pressure over thousands of years. The energy that the plants and animals originally obtained from the sun is stored in the form of carbon in natural gas. Natural gas is combusted to generate electricity, enabling this stored energy to be transformed into usable power. It is a non-renewable resource and it is running out. The process works by extracting the natural gases from the ground, and then they treat it. The gas is treated at gas plants to remove impurities such as hydrogen sulfide, helium, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons and moisture. It then gets transported through pipelines from gas plants to power plants. They then use several methods to convert gas to electricity. A more common approach is to burn the gas in a combustion turbine to generate electricity. Oil is another way that the UAE is generating electricity. Oil is found in undergrou... electricity and do not produce any pollution in the process. It is a reliable energy source. This is because the sun will always rise and set every day, although clouds are unpredictable we can still generate a bit of energy every day. It is also a secure solution and no one will be able to steal it. Economically solar powers help save a lot of money. It also provides job opportunities. It creates two to three times more jobs than using natural gas. There are also some disadvantages of using solar energy. The biggest disadvantage of using solar energy would probably be the fact that the sun doesn’t shine 24 hours a day. When the sun goes down there is no sun and therefore the PV panels will stop producing electricity. This would mean that along with solar panels another energy source must be used to generate electricity when there is no sun light available.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Love and Lust in Most Like an Arch, When You Are Old and Other Poems Es

Love and Lust in Most Like an Arch, When You Are Old and Other Poems I have chosen to compare and contrast three "love" poems with three "lust" poems from our text, An Introduction to Poetry (9th edition, Kennedy and Gioia, Longman Publishing). I feel that poems about true love often incorporate themes of duration, unity and longevity; all lasting sentiments. Conversely, poems of a lusty nature convey the sentiment that the feeling is transitory, and must be pounced on immediately (before we get a chance to think about it too much). Love poems talk about the spiritual aspects of the subject and needing to be vulnerable to them. Lust poems seem to focus more on the physical beauty of the subject, recalling the flush of a cheek and the immediacy, the urgency of their passion. Rarely is the need to share and communicate with the subject conveyed. "Most Like an Arch This Marriage," by John Ciardi (Page 259) illustrates the lasting nature of true love by using the image of two pillars which, on their own, are "roofless around nothing" (Line 11). The words "Till we kiss I am no more than upright and unset," convey the strength and durability the speaker finds with this significant other. The image of the stones used to create this arch communicate that idea of permanence. This speaker knows that real love comes through work and compromise, and is not a quick fix. Vulnerability on both parts is also a necessity, because "It is by falling in and in we make the all-bearing point, for one another's sake, in faultless failing, raised by our own weight" (13). Love and lovers are imperfect, but exquisite in those imperfections. Cummings' "somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond" (Page 402) creates a similar th... ...e's winged chariot hurrying near" (22) is throwing the speaker into a tizzy, considering that place where "thy beauty shall no more be found" (25). And maybe these men are right (that's just what they'd like me to think!). What good does it do a woman to bite, scratch and repress her urges, only to end up where "worms shall try that long preserved virginity" (28)? Seize the day, "while thy willing soul transpires at every pore with instant fires" (35-36). I suppose we're not really trying to make a judgment, though†¦just a distinction. The bottom line is that lust and passion may be very compelling forces, but they are as temporary and changeable as the beauty that inspires them. Compared to the reliable, transcendental, and lasting character of "true" love, it is obvious that the two must be approached very differently, for their natures are hardly similar at all.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Pocahontas and the Powhatan Dilemma Review Essay

This book was the bases and the most informative piece I have seen on a review of Pocahontas life in my perspective. Pocahontas life is a difficult piece of history to analysis for the fact that her life is only denoted by other persons of history writings. She has no known piece of writing of her own so all knowledge is personal based of outside parties. This makes it for sometimes difficult to truly believe everything for many of the views were from white men during a time period where they had not seen many females weren’t around. I believe the author thesis of the book for the Pocahontas part was her involvement with the English and her growth throughout her life. The other thesis of the book from the Powhatan side was there involvement with the English as well and there plan to use the culture but at the same time push them away. Within the first five chapter of Pocahontas and the Powhatan Dilemma it gives you a base review of history. This first part of the book it explains the culture of the Powhatan and how they are laid out. At this point in the book within the first chapter we find out that Pocahontas is only 9 years of age and her mother is nowhere to be found, but her father is Powhatan the chief of many native people and villages. It talks about the arrival of English in 1603 and we learn that many ships have come before us truly being to talk about John Smith and Jamestown. It also mention the arrival of Don Luis and the Spanish, but doesn’t get into much detail he just seems to pop up with the first few chapters her and there. We learn that Pocahontas name means â€Å"mischief† or the â€Å"little playful one.† The author tells us that the native were not completely different from the Europeans just simply behind the times. We also learn that within the native culture of the Powhatan that there chiefs do not come from the next up son, but from marriage of the daughters. We also learn that the Europeans felt that the women of the tribes need to be saved due to their work in the fields and other jobs around the village. It speaks of the native’s religion of their belief in spirits within everything. John Smith comes into play in 1606 when the English begin to prepare for the Virginia campaign. What I learn from John Smith was that he was a captain that has been captured a lot and has  numerous stories of being saved by women that fall lustful in love with. As kids watching films and stories we are told of Pocahontas is her and John Smith fall in love, but at the time of them meeting Pocahontas would’ve been ten years of age. The plans of the English and John Smith was to: improve native culture, use the land properly, get there before the Spanish, and bring English enlighten, and a place to send the unemployed English. One of the main fears that I read about in the reading was the fear of the English to become like the Indians. The term we learned in class for this is recolonization. After the landing John Smith gets taken by the Powhatan and convince them not to kill him by way of trade. He promises them weapons which out of smarts gives them a cannon which cannot be moved. Both the native and the English realize the need of each. Without one another the English could not survive without food and the natives want weapons or easier put there technology. Over time many English were sent to live with natives to learn their culture and a native would be sent with the English. The most notable was Pocahontas herself was sent with the English to learn their language and lifestyle. The book talks of Pocahontas marriage first to a native warrior, but it fails to mention what happens to him. She later marries John Rolfe an English man who experience much of the reverse colonization. Before her marriage though Pocahontas was kidnapped one of the main characters they looked over her kidnapping was Sir Thomas Dale who was the first Marshall of Virginia. Pocahontas would declare herself a Christian in 1616 and then start her life with John. They would build a log on the land John was granted from the Virginia Company. They would have two children together in their lifetime. Shortly after being settled in there Pocahontas would go to London and experience true English culture. Pocahontas would become very ill around the time the Rolfe family was ready to head back to Virginia. Pocahontas died on March 21, 1617 in the Rolfe inn. What I learned from this book that for someone of her time period and of native culture Pocahontas got to see much more than any Native American of her time period for sure. I learned that much of what we were taught or told of her in are childhood was wrong. I learned that john smith stories  could not be trusted. The feeling I receive as well is Pocahontas rejected her culture and tribe, but in return was probably rejected in a way due to her mother situation. Though she might have be royal in a way just from some of the information I read. The book was good though and I enjoyed the insist of Pocahontas life.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Exams, Superstitions, and Kit Kat Bars

Exams, Superstitions, and Kit Kat Bars The National Center Test for University Admission is a universal examination for Japanese universities. All national/public universities require applicants to take this exam. During the exam season, the superstitious nature of the Japanese becomes apparent. In fact, you will find various lucky charms being sold around this time. The most popular are charms purchased from a shrine or temple. However, the Kit Kat (a chocolate bar) is also popular. Why? The Japanese pronounce it as kitto  katto. It sounds like kitto katsu which means, You will surely win. Parents often buy Kit Kats for their children for exam days. It is just a fun play on words, but if it makes them feel better, why not? Japanese Translation Ã¥ â€"é ¨â€œÃ£  ¨Ã§ ¸ Ã¨ µ ·Ã§â€° ©Ã£  ¨Ã£â€š ­Ã£Æ'Æ'ãÆ'ˆã‚ «Ã£Æ'Æ'ãÆ'ˆ Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¥ ­ ¦Ã¥â€¦ ¥Ã¨ © ¦Ã£â€š »Ã£Æ' ³Ã£â€š ¿Ã£Æ' ¼Ã¨ © ¦Ã© ¨â€œÃ£ Å'ä »Å Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã£  ¯Ã¦Å"ˆæâ€" ¥Ã£  ¨Ã¦â€" ¥Ã£  «Ã¨ ¡Å'ã‚ Ã£â€šÅ'㠁 ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ£ â€œÃ£â€šÅ'㠁 ¯Ã¦â€" ¥Ã¦Å" ¬Ã£  ®Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¥ ­ ¦Ã£  ®Ã¥â€¦ ±Ã©â‚¬Å¡Ã¥â€¦ ¥Ã¥ ­ ¦Ã¨ © ¦Ã© ¨â€œÃ£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¥â€º ½Ã¥â€¦ ¬Ã§ «â€¹Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¥ ­ ¦Ã¥ â€"é ¨â€œÃ¨â‚¬â€¦Ã£  «Ã£  ¯Ã£â‚¬ Ã£ â€œÃ£  ®Ã£â€š »Ã£Æ' ³Ã£â€š ¿Ã£Æ' ¼Ã¨ © ¦Ã© ¨â€œÃ£â€šâ€™Ã¥ â€"㠁‘る㠁“㠁 ¨Ã£ Å'ç ¾ ©Ã¥â€¹â„¢Ã£  ¥Ã£ â€˜Ã£â€šâ€°Ã£â€šÅ'㠁 ¦Ã£ â€žÃ£  ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¦â€" ¥Ã¦Å" ¬Ã¤ º ºÃ£  ¯Ã§ ¸ Ã¨ µ ·Ã£â€šâ€™Ã¦â€¹â€¦Ã£  Ã£ â€œÃ£  ¨Ã£ Å'Ã¥ ¥ ½Ã£  Ã£  ªÃ¥â€º ½Ã¦ °â€˜Ã£  ¨Ã£ â€žÃ£ Ë†Ã£  ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£ Å'〠Ã¥ â€"é ¨â€œÃ£  ®Ã¦â„¢â€šÃ¦Å"Ÿã  «Ã£  ¯Ã£  Ã£â€šÅ'㠁Å'よ㠁 Ã¨ ¡ ¨Ã£â€šÅ'㠁 ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¥ ®Å¸Ã©Å¡â€ºÃ£â‚¬ Ã£ â€œÃ£  ®Ã¦â„¢â€šÃ¦Å"Ÿæ §ËœÃ£â‚¬â€¦Ã£  ªÃ§ ¸ Ã¨ µ ·Ã§â€° ©Ã£ Å'Ã¥ £ ²Ã£â€šâ€°Ã£â€šÅ'㠁 ¦Ã£ â€žÃ£â€šâ€¹Ã£  ®Ã£â€šâ€™Ã¨ ¦â€¹Ã£ â€¹Ã£ â€˜Ã£  ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¦Å"€ã†šâ€šÃ¤ º ºÃ¦ °â€"㠁 ®Ã£ â€šÃ£â€šâ€¹Ã£â€šâ€šÃ£  ®Ã£  ¨Ã£ â€žÃ£ Ë†Ã£  °Ã£â‚¬ Ã§ ¥Å¾Ã§ ¤ ¾Ã£â€šâ€žÃ£ Å Ã¥ ¯ ºÃ£  ®Ã£ Å Ã¥ ®Ë†Ã£â€šÅ Ã£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£ Å'〠Ã£Æ' Ã£Æ' §Ã£â€š ³Ã£Æ' ¬Ã£Æ' ¼Ã£Æ'ˆè â€œÃ¥ ­ Ã£  §Ã£ â€šÃ£â€šâ€¹Ã£â€š ­Ã£Æ'Æ'ãÆ'ˆã‚ «Ã£Æ'Æ'ãÆ'ˆã‚‚ä º ºÃ¦ °â€"㠁Å'㠁‚る㠁 ®Ã£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ£  ªÃ£ Å"㠁‹ã  £Ã£  ¦Ã¦â€" ¥Ã¦Å" ¬Ã¨ ªÅ¾Ã£  ®Ã§â„¢ ºÃ©Å¸ ³Ã£  ®Ã£â‚¬Å'ã‚ ­Ã£Æ'Æ'ãÆ'ˆã‚ «Ã£Æ'Æ'ãÆ'ˆ(㠁 Ã£  £Ã£  ¨Ã£ â€¹Ã£  £Ã£  ¨)㠁Å'〠Ã£  Ã£  £Ã£  ¨Ã¥â€¹ Ã£  ¤Ã£  Ã£  £Ã£  ¨Ã£ â€¹Ã£  ¤Ã£  ¨Ã¤ ¼ ¼Ã£  ¦Ã£ â€žÃ£â€šâ€¹Ã£ â€¹Ã£â€šâ€°Ã£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¨ ¦ ªÃ£ Å'Ã¥ â€"é ¨â€œÃ£  ®Ã¦â€" ¥Ã£  «Ã£â‚¬ Ã¥ ­ Ã¤ ¾â€ºÃ£  ®Ã£ Å¸Ã£â€š Ã£  «Ã¨ ² ·Ã£ â€ Ã£ â€œÃ£  ¨Ã£â€šâ€šÃ¥ ¤Å¡Ã£ â€žÃ£  Ã£ â€ Ã£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ£ Å¸Ã£   Ã£  ®Ã¨ ªÅ¾Ã¥â€˜â€šÃ¥ Ë†Ã£â€š Ã£ â€ºÃ£  ¨Ã£â€šâ€šÃ£ â€žÃ£ Ë†Ã£  ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£ Å'〠Ã£  Ã£â€šÅ'㠁 §Ã¥Å  ¹Ã¦Å¾Å"㠁Å'㠁‚る㠁 ªÃ£â€šâ€°Ã£â‚¬  è © ¦Ã£ â€"㠁 ¦Ã£  ¿Ã£  ªÃ£ â€žÃ¦â€°â€¹Ã£  ¯Ã£ â€šÃ£â€šÅ Ã£  ¾Ã£ â€ºÃ£â€šâ€œÃ£  ­Ã£â‚¬â€š Romaji Translation Daigaku nyuushi sentaa shiken ga kotoshi wa ichi-gatsu juushichi-nichi to juuhachi-nichi ni okonawaremasu. Kore wa nihon no daigaku no kyoutsuu nyuugaku shiken desu. Kokukouritsu daigaku jukensha niwa, kono sentaa shiken o ukeru koto ga gimuzukerarete imasu. Nihonjin wa engi o katsugu koto ga sukina kokumin o iemasu ga, juken no jiki niwa sore ga yoku arawaremasu. Jissai, kono jiki samazamana engimono ga urareteiru no o mikakemasu. Mottomo ninki no aru mono to ieba, jinja ya otera no omamori desu ga, chokoreeto gashi de aru kittokatto mo ninki ga aru no desu. Nazeka tte? Nihongo no hatsuon no kitto katto ga kitto katsu to nite iru kara desu. Oya ga juken no hi ni, kodomo no tame ni kau koto mo ooi sou desu. Tada no goro awase tomo iemasu ga, sorede kouka ga aru nara, tameshite minai te wa arimasen ne. Note: The translation is not always literal. Beginners Phrases Parents often buy KitKats for their children for exam days. Oyaga juken no hi ni, kodomo no tameni kau koto mo ooi sou desu.㠁Šã‚„㠁Å' 㠁˜ã‚…㠁‘ん㠁 ®Ã£  ²Ã£  «Ã£â‚¬ Ã£ â€œÃ£  ©Ã£â€šâ€šÃ£  ®Ã£ Å¸Ã£â€š Ã£  « 㠁‹ã â€ Ã£ â€œÃ£  ¨Ã£â€šâ€š 㠁Šã Å Ã£ â€žÃ£  Ã£ â€ Ã£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¨ ¦ ªÃ£ Å'Ã¥ â€"é ¨â€œÃ£  ®Ã¦â€" ¥Ã£  «Ã£â‚¬ Ã¥ ­ Ã¤ ¾â€ºÃ£  ®Ã£ Å¸Ã£â€š Ã£  «Ã¨ ² ·Ã£ â€ Ã£ â€œÃ£  ¨Ã£â€šâ€šÃ¥ ¤Å¡Ã£ â€žÃ£  Ã£ â€ Ã£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€š Learn More Learn more about lucky number in Japanese.

Monday, October 21, 2019

o brother essays

o brother essays Have you heard of LivePerson? What do they do? Here's an illustration: Lessay you're an online storeowner, and you check your logs and notice that a lot of your customers check pages but don't buy. You figure that the reason they're not buying is because they're not sure of their purchase. As the store in online, they can't talk to a clerk and have questions answered like they can at Best Buy, so they leave your site to check out some other site, or buy the item offline. You could always put a ask us a question form up which takes the users' questions and emails them to you. This is good, but its often too slow for a casual peruser who is long gone from the site before you even see the question, much less answer it. A few years ago, someone realized that if you had an instant way to get and respond to these questions, you might be able to give a bit more of that in-store feel to the online purchasing experience, and increase your sales rate. Chat is instantaneous. A user can click on a button and ask questions and get responses immediately. With the instant resolution to their question, they are more likely to buy than those that don't talk to a person before their purchase. According to Land's End, they have over 5 times the sales rate with people that ask questions with their chat system than those who do not. To that end, LivePerson and several others pioneered this process. The system works by placing a button on every page of the storeowner's website (using templates, this is even easier). After the button is placed, a user will be able to look at the image and see if a customer service representative is available or not. If available, the user can click on the button and have a window pop up, allowing the store owner and user to communicate. This really only requires a basic chat server and some Javascript or Java know-how. A few years ago, there were as many as 40 companies that doing thi ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Definition and Examples of Person in English Grammar

Definition and Examples of Person in English Grammar In English grammar, the category of person  identifies the relationship between a subject and its verb, showing whether the subject is speaking about itself (first personI or we); being spoken to (second personyou); or being spoken about (third personhe, she, it, or they). Also called grammatical person. Personal pronouns are so called because they are the pronouns to which the grammatical system of person applies. Reflexive pronouns, intensive pronouns, and possessive determiners also show distinctions in person. Examples and Observations A widely attested type of verbal inflection in human language involves persona category that typically distinguishes among the first person (the speaker), the second person (the addressee), and the third person (anyone else). In many languages, the verb is marked for both person and number (singular or plural) of the subject. When one category is inflected for properties (such as person and number) of another, the first category is said to agree with the second. . . .Modern English has a [comparatively] impoverished system of person and number agreement in the verb, and an inflectional affix is used only for the third person singular in the non-past tense.  (William OGrady, et al. Contemporary Linguistics: An Introduction. Bedford, 2001)I amYou areWe are Australian.(B. Woodley and D. Newton, I Am Australian)I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.(John Lennon and Paul McCartney, I Am the Walrus) The Three Persons in English (present tense) First person I see great things in baseball.(Walt Whitman)We see things as we are.(Leo Rosten) Second person You see things, and you say Why?(George Bernard Shaw) Third person She sees more hospices and sink estates than most people.(Prince Andrew)The traveler sees what he sees; the tourist sees what he has come to see.(G.K. Chesterton)[M]urder is always a mistake. One should never do anything that one cannot talk about after dinner.(Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1890)Love is not blind: it sees more, not less.(Julius Gordon)They see me as some sort of pathetic character.(Mike Tyson) The Forms of Be Be is unique among English verbs in having three distinctive person forms in the present tense (am, is, are) and two in the past tense (was, were). Other verbs have a distinctive form only for the third person singular of the present tense (e.g., has, does, wants, etc., as opposed to have, do, want, etc.). (Bas Aarts, Sylvia Chalker, and Edmund Weiner, The Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 2014) Etymology From the Latin persona, mask

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Literary criticism over madness and symbols in Edgar Allan Poe short Essay

Literary criticism over madness and symbols in Edgar Allan Poe short stories - Essay Example As he tells his frequently bizarre and frightening tales, Poe presents his readers with symbol-rich imagery and descriptions based on binary oppositions to help build the suspense and horror of his tale. As Mowery explains, binary oppositions are things such as hot and cold, male and female, dark and light. â€Å"It is in the subtle shifts in our expectations of the character that tension and conflict are developed† (1997). This concept is frequently illustrated in terms of the madness that comes upon characters as they experience deep feelings that had potential to overwhelm. In â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart,† â€Å"The Black Cat† and â€Å"Ligeia,† Edgar Allan Poe uses madness and symbolism to convey love and hate. Poe employs two primary objects in â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† to illustrate the cause of his narrator’s madness. The old man’s eye is the first of these symbols to appear within the text of the story. As the narrator attempts to explain why he felt led to murder, he says, It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain; but once conceived, it haunted me day and night. Object there was none. Passion there was none. I loved the old man. He had never wronged me. He had never given me insult. For his gold I had no desire. I think it was his eye! yes, it was this! He had the eye of a vulture – a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees – very gradually – I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye for ever. (156). Basic medical knowledge to the modern reader quickly identifies this condition as symptoms of a cataract, a film that gradually creeps over the eye of an elderly person, eventually rendering him or her blind while also changing the color of the eye to a pale bluish color. It is this encroachment that seems to so bother the narrator,

Friday, October 18, 2019

Exploring Programming Languages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Exploring Programming Languages - Essay Example Secondly, the C# is also an object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft for the development of windows based and internet applications which is literally the counterpart to Java of Sun Microsystems. Thirdly, the C++ programming language was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup, and defined as general purpose programming language that is better than the C language which supports data abstraction, object-oriented programming, and generic programming. Due to its extensive capabilities, most of the programs running in computer system such as applications, games, and even the operating system are written in C++ language. As what I have mentioned above, the three different programming languages are all object-oriented wherein the programming methodology focuses on the data rather than the process. The data can be entities or objects that are being manipulated. Objects are commonly defined as sufficient modules, conceptual entities, and run-time units that are used as the foundation of the program. In most object-oriented programming language, an object is characterized by its identity, state, and behavior. Identity is a property of an object that distinguishes from other objects, while the state describes the data stored in the object, and lastly, the behavior is the one that describe the methods of the object's interface Ja Java programming language defined objects as the bundle of related state and behavior wherein it stores its state in the fields and exposed its behavior through methods. In other programming languages, fields are treated as variables while methods are treated as functions. The classes in java are blueprints that are used for the creation of an object, thus, it makes an object an instance of a class. Java uses inner classes instead of pointers to create a concise adapter classes that are often used to connect a callback and event from a module to others. Inheritance in Java is the ability of a class to inherit frequent used states and behaviors of other classes. In general rule of inheritance, a class must only have one direct superclass or parent class, while one superclass can have unlimited subclasses or child classes. Instead of the templates being used by other programming languages, Java used generics to create classes and objects that can operate on any defined types. This adv antage gives the programmer an ease of use and better code. In C# programming language, a type was defined by a class, while the instances of the class are called objects. There is a similarity in the definition of the object in both C# and Java, wherein it stated from the latter that object is an instance of a class. The class is the heart or core of all object-oriented programming and so it is vital in C#. A class is a container of data or fields and operations that manipulate the data or method. Pointers are variables that hold the address in the memory of other variable. Since it is a pointer, it could be used in value types and arrays but not to a structure containing a reference types. The same as Java, that inheritance was also implemented for it was the specialization relationship wherein the class could inherit only from a single parent or superclass, but a certain class can have many or multiple interfaces. C# uses generics instead of

Organizational Culture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organizational Culture - Assignment Example To treat its workforce appropriately, the company offers part time and full-time employees to access full benefits in health care, discounted stock purchase strategies/stock option, and other personal benefits. Starbucks offer friendly services, flexibility in working hours by the employees, and a welcoming atmosphere. The organization works with farmers who grow coffee beans to affect their lives positively, since coffee growing regions seem to be extremely poor yet the cost of coffee has slowed down due to oversupply. Baristas at Starbucks are proud of both the training they access and the company they work for. Upper management is evidently diverse as compared to most big companies in the United States. The company’s reputation has been built by all this principles for a more liberal and progressive large corporation. The company believes in employing exceptional people who are enthusiastic to work and produce excellent outcomes. In exchange, they are committed to the development of their good people through identifying, developing, training, promoting, and rewarding those employees who are committed to moving the company forward. Its employees are also included in the decision making process of the company to allow honesty and transparency (Randle and Flamholtz, 2001). As a result, Starbuck’s reputation and organizational culture, its performance has greatly improved. It is an extensively profitable organization, its earnings in 2004 was an excess of $600 million and generated revenue above $5000 million in the respective year. It has been ranked as a global coffee brand based on a reputation for fine services and products with almost 9000 cafes within forty nations. Starbucks was among the fortune top 100 organizations to be employed by in 2005 since it is a respected employer that highly values its workforce. This satisfies it to be a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Association of Women Police Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Association of Women Police - Essay Example In order to safeguard the interests of the police women in the various police departments present in the different regions across the globe, the Women Police association was primarily setup. The Women Police Association had its origins in the year 1915, which was just a blue print and remained in paper. The Association was setup in Washington DC after about one year in 1916. ( When one looks back at the history of the United States of America, one can very well see that women had been in the police department’s right from the year 1845. It was in the year 1893 that a women by name Mrs. Mari Owens was inducted into the Chicago Department of Police and was been given the Policeman rank, which entitled her to the power of arrest. It was only in the year 1910, which another woman by name Mrs. Alice Stebbins Wells was named as the Policewoman. ( The modern society by then had very well looked into the benefits of the introduction of the women in th e police force and has rightly acknowledged the need for women police officers, to deal with crimes related to women and children in particular. Indeed the main aim that was behind the creation of the Woman Police Association, was to take preventive actions against the occurrence of the various kinds of problems and harassments, which were being created for policewomen in their workplace. The areas that were also looked into by the Women Police Association, mainly included places of public interest like the dance halls, movies, arcades, shopping malls and all other places of recreational interest for women and children which could also turn out to be problem spots. It can very well be said that it is this Women Police Association, which has really become a force to reckon with and has straight away empowered the women police officers in the law enforcement department. ( In fact women and more particularly the police women have always felt very insecure, without such an Association and this could have in turn drastically affected their freedom and their rights in the society and at their workplace. Hence it can be said that, the formation of the Women Police Association has been a blessing for the police women. The women Police Association has grown so much in strength all across the world that, it today has got so many branches across the world. The present Women Police Associations across the world is present in approximately 14 regions. This can be very well attributed to the fact that, most of the governments all across the world have found it important to form such an association, that would be entrusted with the duty of safeguarding the rights of the policewomen at their workplaces, which would enable them to rightly enforce crime detection and prevention activities. ( But with the increasing concern regarding the safety and security of the women and children across many countries, there is certainly scope for growth for more such women police force and their respective Women Police Associations. Thus due to the Women Police Association’s efficiency in prevention of harassments against police women, the association has grown tremendously in strength during the recent years. As a part of the annual activities this Association conducts training programs as well as conferences which

Public defense Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Public defense - Essay Example East District of Virginia The East District of Virginia federal, public defender service was established in 2001. This service is organized and governed according to the Criminal Justice Act 18 USC Â § 3006A. The service provides adequate, legal representation for defendants in criminal cases. West District of Virginia The public defender service for the West District of Virginia appoints private attorneys, full time public defender attorneys, and pays for court ordered cases. The Circuit Judge reviews these cases. Public Defenders who are full-time are employees of the Public Defender Corporation. This corporation is organized at the Circuit Court level, a separate legal entity, and funded by the Public Defender Services. Conclusion The Virginia Public Defense System is designed to monitor the needs of indigent individuals and provides adequate, legal counsel for representation. The system that I would implement for the public defense system would ensure the proper legal counsel fo r defendants. I would ensure that the attorneys’ credentials are reviewed before assignment to a given case. Works Cited Virginia Indigent Defense Commission.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Association of Women Police Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Association of Women Police - Essay Example In order to safeguard the interests of the police women in the various police departments present in the different regions across the globe, the Women Police association was primarily setup. The Women Police Association had its origins in the year 1915, which was just a blue print and remained in paper. The Association was setup in Washington DC after about one year in 1916. ( When one looks back at the history of the United States of America, one can very well see that women had been in the police department’s right from the year 1845. It was in the year 1893 that a women by name Mrs. Mari Owens was inducted into the Chicago Department of Police and was been given the Policeman rank, which entitled her to the power of arrest. It was only in the year 1910, which another woman by name Mrs. Alice Stebbins Wells was named as the Policewoman. ( The modern society by then had very well looked into the benefits of the introduction of the women in th e police force and has rightly acknowledged the need for women police officers, to deal with crimes related to women and children in particular. Indeed the main aim that was behind the creation of the Woman Police Association, was to take preventive actions against the occurrence of the various kinds of problems and harassments, which were being created for policewomen in their workplace. The areas that were also looked into by the Women Police Association, mainly included places of public interest like the dance halls, movies, arcades, shopping malls and all other places of recreational interest for women and children which could also turn out to be problem spots. It can very well be said that it is this Women Police Association, which has really become a force to reckon with and has straight away empowered the women police officers in the law enforcement department. ( In fact women and more particularly the police women have always felt very insecure, without such an Association and this could have in turn drastically affected their freedom and their rights in the society and at their workplace. Hence it can be said that, the formation of the Women Police Association has been a blessing for the police women. The women Police Association has grown so much in strength all across the world that, it today has got so many branches across the world. The present Women Police Associations across the world is present in approximately 14 regions. This can be very well attributed to the fact that, most of the governments all across the world have found it important to form such an association, that would be entrusted with the duty of safeguarding the rights of the policewomen at their workplaces, which would enable them to rightly enforce crime detection and prevention activities. ( But with the increasing concern regarding the safety and security of the women and children across many countries, there is certainly scope for growth for more such women police force and their respective Women Police Associations. Thus due to the Women Police Association’s efficiency in prevention of harassments against police women, the association has grown tremendously in strength during the recent years. As a part of the annual activities this Association conducts training programs as well as conferences which

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Roosevelt's New Deal in American Government History Research Paper

Roosevelt's New Deal in American Government History - Research Paper Example This is all part of a debate that was being had during the dawn of the American republic between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. As Hamilton once said, â€Å"It's not tyranny we desire; its a just, limited, federal government.† The idea had support, but also had a lot of opposition. Many Americans felt that the creation of federal parties would make the U.S. like the U.K. which they hated (Singleton, 89). Thomas Jefferson once wrote, â€Å"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.† He did not want federal parties taking power and using it to create a strong central government. Roosevelt's response to the Depression ignored both men but was inclined towards Hamilton's view. He used the federal government to drastically change the country forever. He changed labour law, created social security, and put the government into the very heart of the economy. The government became the back-stop for economic problems, and taxpayers were on the hook for failures in the private sector. This greatly increased the power of government and the power of the presidency. As the historian Amity Shlaes has written, Roosevelt's actions actually prolonged the Depression (Shlaes, 21). It was not until the Second World War revved up the American economy, that things got back to normal. At the time supporters felt it was necessary.  

Sexual Abuse in Prison Essay Example for Free

Sexual Abuse in Prison Essay The sexual abuse in prison is a serious problem in our country. It is compounded by the sheer number of inmates stepping inside the prison system every year. It is surprising to find out that our country is widely recognized as the one with most number of prisoners. This problem however is preventable and controllable if we will only change our attitude. We all have rights. Conviction for a crime no matter how heinous our crime is will not strip us of our rights. In a letter sent to the Human Rights Watch by a sender whose name was purposely withheld, the sender narrated his horrifying experience while he was inside Prison. He recounted†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ive been sentenced for a D. U. I. offense. My 3rd one. When I first came to prison, I had no idea what to expect. Im a tall white male, who unfortunately has a small amount of feminine characteristics. And very shy. These characteristics have got me raped so many times I have no more feelings physically. I have been raped by up to 5 black men and two white men at a time. Ive had knifes at my head and throat†¦There is no supervision after lockdown. † (â€Å"No Escape Male Rape in US Prisons†) This excerpt speaks of an ugly reality inside the US prison. This is the reality that we have come to accept as part of the defects in the US prison system. This is the reality that has been institutionalized in our society which contributes not only to the perpetuation of violence inside prison but also to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS. (â€Å"Its Not My Problem†) The sad thing about this issue is that there seems to be nothing being done about this problem by government authorities. Is it because while we uphold the rule of justice and consider rehabilitation as one of the primary purposes of prison, at the back of our minds we think that the inmates deserve what happens to them while inside the prison? This research paper deals with the issue of sexual abuse in US Prison. I aim to discuss the different scenarios of sexual abuse and the power relations happening inside prison that is at the core of this problem. I aim to discuss of prisoners protected by domestic and international laws. Rights of Prisoners The issue of sexual abuse in US prison is extremely important nowadays considering that according to the new report of the Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice, our prison population has ballooned to a total of 2 million inmates. Research also shows that since 2002 one in every one hundred forty two US citizens is locked up in jail and out of the 1,200,203 state prisoners, 3055 inmates were younger than 18 years old. Robert Longley, 2007) Indeed, the increasing number of inmates in the US prison demands that this problem should no longer be ignored and that something be done eradicate this problem. At the outset, it is important to emphasize that prisoners too have rights regardless whether they have been convicted or not. The Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution is emphatic about this point. It states that â€Å"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. On the other hand, those who are waiting for their convictions are likewise protected under the authority of the Fifth Amendment, which states that â€Å"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury†¦nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. † (â€Å"Fifth Amendment†) In the case of Deshaney v. Winnebago City Social Services Department 489 U.  S. 189 (1989), the Supreme Court has declared that when the state holds a person into custody and deprives him of his liberty that he is unable to care for himself and at the time it fails to provide him basic needs, the state violates the provisions of the Eight Amendment. Thus, the Eighth Amendment protects every prisoner from brutality imposed by the guards against him but also it requires the prison officials to give ample protection from violence that the other inmates may inflict on him. In a suit for violation of Eighth Amendment, however, the law provides that the inmate whose rights have been violated to prove the following: a) the objective element the extent of the injury the inmate has suffered which is so serous that it violates the society’s standard of decency and b) the subjective element – the prison knowing fully well that a violence has occurred â€Å"maliciously and sadistically† fails respond to this violence for the purpose of causing the inmate injury. (Hudson v. McMillian, 503 U.  S. 1, 14 (1992). ) Though it is quite easy to prove the first element, the second element is very difficult to prove and presents serious obstacle against an inmate who is contemplating on filing a suit against prison officials for violation of their Eighth Amendment. In addition to the protection guaranteed under the Eighth Amendment and Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution, the DOJ has been granted authority to prosecute a public official for violating a prisoner’s constitutional rights. Thus, under Section 242 of the United States Code, â€Å"This statute makes it a crime for any person acting under color of law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom to willfully deprive or cause to be deprived from any person those rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution and laws of the U. S. † (Sec 242 of the United States Code) However, in the same manner as the violation of the Eighth Amendment is difficult to enforce, so is the violation under this statute which requires the injured party to prove that the public officer willfully and intentionally deprived the prisoner of his right. International laws likewise provide ample protection to the condition of prisoners while inside the prison system. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) of which the United States is a signatory clearly provides that all persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person. † Indeed, all these laws affirm the basic principle that even prisoners do have rights under the law. Sexual Abuse in Prison At the outset, it is important to distinguish among the different circumstances of rape that happen within the four corners of the prison. Rape accompanied with violence is one of the more commonly known sexual abuses that happen in prison. Ordinarily, when we talk about prison rape, what comes into mind is a gang of prisoners approaching a lone prisoner from behind and raping him. According to the Department of Justice, in the 2004 alone , an estimated 8,210 allegations of sexual violence were reported by correctional authorities the equivalent of 3. 2 allegations per 1,000 inmates and youths incarcerated in 2004. (â€Å"Almost 2100 sexual violence incidents took place in the nation’s correctional facilities during 2004†) It must be stressed that when rape is accompanied by physical force and violence, things usually turn out ugly for the rape victim. He may suffer broken neck, dislocated shoulders, hips, and dislocated fingers. Things could get really bloody that there have been inmates who have been recorded to have died after a forcible rape. In an article in Houston Chronicle entitled â€Å"Mother Probes Son’s Death in Prison,† Randy Payne a 23 –year old white inmate was attacked by a group of about 20 inmates within a week after arriving at the Texas Prison. He later died of head injuries. Allan Turner) Indeed, forcible rape is such a common scenario inside prison that it may happen in any part of the prison. It could take place inside the shower, bathroom, washroom, and in sleeping areas. Forcible rape must however be distinguished from other forms of sexual abuse that also happens inside prison which is considered as most common and which takes place everyday in prison. This is called the coerced sex. In this scenario, no violence or force takes place but the victim willingly submits to the sexual favors by other inmates. It does not however follow that if sex was not accompanied by force or violence, the inmate has given his consent to have sex with the other inmate. It must be stressed that the prison system is a very coercive environment such that it very difficult to ascertain whether the victim has indeed agreed to consensual sex. This is similar with the confession obtained by police officers to a crime suspect while the latter is being held under their custody. In the same manner as there could be no voluntary confession in this scenario so is the case of consensual sex among inmates behind bars. The following are the most common reasons why consensual sex is very rare in prison. They explain why it is possible that even if the inmate has submitted himself to sex, the same is still considered as rape. The first is that the inmate becomes indebted to his other inmate because of some needs. Inside prison, there is widespread use of drugs. For some inmates they may not have the money to buy drugs or even food from other inmates. Another prisoner feigning to want to befriend this inmate offers him drugs for free. This â€Å"free offers† may include cigarettes, food, water, or even an extra pillow. For some time, this other inmate will make it appear that he merely wants to befriend this other inmate. Later on, he will ask that all these debts be repaid. If the inmate does not have the money then sexual favors might be asked in return. Another scenario is when another inmate poses as a protector of the victim. In this scenario, the group of inmates will set up their victim by threatening the victim with bodily harm and injury. At the point when they are about to hurt their victim, this â€Å"protector† will scare the other group of inmates away. This constant threat he receives from the other groups make the victim fear these inmates. He is then forced to befriend the other inmate who acted as his protector. They later on become close and they become friends. After the frequent protections, the inmate will not ask that his favors be repaid sexually. Male rape is not only a common thing inside prisons, as for female prisoners, the enemy is not their fellow prisoners but much worse. They are the male prison guards and correctional staff. The problem of sexual abuse among women prisoners is much worse precisely because of their sheer number. Research shows that the United States has earned the distinction of incarcerating the most number of prisoners. Most of these prisoners are women and there number is increasing exponentially. According to studies, since 1980, the number of women entering US prisons has risen by almost 400% roughly double the incarceration rate increase of males†¦According to current estimates, at least half of all female prisoners have experienced some form of sexual abuse prior to incarceration†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (â€Å"All Too Familiar: Sexual Abuse of Women in State Prisons†, 1996) It must be stressed that this form of sexual abuse against female prisoners is worse because here the correctional officials not only become remiss in their duty to protect the inmates but they also violate the moral and legal obligation to them. Also, the male prison guards and correctional staff commit their crime with impunity using not only force but their supreme authority to give these women goods or deny them certain privileges depending on whether they â€Å"consent† to have sex. Lack of Response of Prison Officials The problem of prison rape in our penal institutions is indeed immense. Though there have been high-profile cases involving sexual abuse in prison, this problem is far from being resolved. The fault lies in not just one person or institution but in our indifferent attitude to this problem. Society perhaps may think that convicted prisoners deserve this condition inside prison. Surprisingly we will notice that prison and correctional officials are not severely punished for their transgressions. While some have been found guilty, most of the time, the punishment imposed on correctional officials would involve their reassignment to other penal institution and suspension for up to 30 days. They consider this as an administrative matter. The judiciary which is supposed to protect the oppressed likewise offers no solution to this problem as they would consider this problem as an internal matter and would rather allow prison officials to handle this matter amongst themselves. The indifferent attitude of our correctional officials to one inmate raping another is likewise depressing. Their action on this matter will mainly be limited to transferring the prisoner to another penal facility. I believe that the problem of sexual abuse will be reduced if not prevented not necessarily by punishing prison officials. The response need not be limited to their strict punishment as avoidance measures may be instituted as a matter of prison policy. Most of the time, this problem happens because the prisoner does not know what to expect in prison. He has no knowledge what happens inside prison and he does not know what to do in case something like this happens. In some states, particularly North Carolina, initiatives have been made to prevent rape by an inmate against another by conducting inmate orientation. Among the topics discussed in this orientation are not only the house rules and the day to day activities of the inmates but also information that rape may happen while they are inside the prison and tips on how to avoid getting rape. They should be prepared on the possible tricks that their fellow inmates may play on them and they should be advised to refuse any offers for food and drugs that they may later on be asked to repay. Secondly, prisoner classification should be given priority by prison officials. It must be stressed that in most prisons the hard core prisoners are mixed with first timers. When this happens the new comer becomes easy target by them. Thus, classification of prisoner and separating those newcomers from the others will provide a good alternative against rape. Thirdly, I believe we should start changing our attitudes on the issue of prison rape. This is not just an administrative misconduct but a grave offense. This issue should therefore be addressed seriously and swiftly. If a complaint is received that prison officials has raped an inmate, investigations should be made and he should immediately be prosecuted and criminal charges should be immediately filed.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Business background and overview of Nestle

Business background and overview of Nestle The Nestle is almost 140 years old company providing the vast variety of the products across the world. The company as it is very old and senior in its category have its roots in almost every country across the world. Nestle is very famous nutrition and food products company it is very vast as far as their products are concerned. In UK is also have a very much reputation and reorganization of its brands are good enough. The employment in the UK of Nestle company is almost 7,000 at the various sites across the country. The Nestle has almost 6,000 different brands which are across the globe showing the reputation and appreciation of its products and brands worldwide. The quality of the product is the symbol of the organizations commitment to build a product with care and dedication. It is a universal fact that it is the quality which retains a company in the market. Nestle always kept in mind this principle because it knows very well that customers have no tolerance for the quality of product. Nestle efforts are to maintain highly customer satisfaction products. The Company implements a system approach that insure products of highly quality. It time to time integrated its system of manufacturing producing quality products. In its research system that data is entered by the researches to visualize the quality of product. Previous researches conducted by the company shows that when quality is produced with fixed cost, a high quality form like Nestle can undercut its rivals pricess and may find it profitable to invest more on quality according to market size. This is the reason that Nestle has been remained concentrated despite market growth. In the recent years Nestle products which are produced with fixed cost, the average quality of produces increases with marke t size and the market does not fragment as it grows large. In the global markets only those products are survived which are batter in quality and in competitive pricess. The Nestle always keeps in view that market trends and international quality standards are maintained. Nestle receives a great response from the investors because of its highly reputed products and quality management. As a result of its highly fame products its market size increased manifold. Its relationship strengthens between product quality and market size. Whereas outcome of a relationship between product quality and market size familiarity of the products. In this report we examined all aspects of the nestle products. Nestle Standards The nestle quality standards ensures its products acceptance and believe of the consumers in the product. The wide range of the supply of the Nestle products through out the world is presently working as the standards of the quality are maintained by the Nestle Product management team. Quality Assurance The quality means the purity in the product manufacturing by applying the applicable and necessary tools/ techniques which is good for health. The quality ensures the first step of product popularity as the purity/quality of the product is most likely to appreciate by the consumers. The quality of the products ensures the following. popularity of the product Acceptance of the product by the consumers. Health and environmental health factors are satisfied Build organization reputation in the market Gives tough competition to the competitors Nestle has come to realize that current economic down term and keen market competition it is not easy to attract customers without maintaining product quality. Other competitors of Nestle under estimates the enormous significance of seeking and recognizing consumers view and opinions regarding product improvements and service quality besides pricing managements. Nestle given importance the areas focuses on consumers perceptions of product and service quality as well as the product prize. Nestle used to study the data which is collected through the use of questionnaires, personal interviews, observations and data obtained from the market. The Need for the Change The need for the change in any of the company or organization is very much on the cards and necessary for any of the organization to keep itself at the high standards and up to date presentation and working of the company. The quality control is a process to ensure a level of acceptable quality of product. The department of quality control of Nestle keeps a closed watch to maintain the quality according to international standards. The quality control department needs to be changed time to time to get the latest equipments available for the process of quality assurance of the products t various stages of its production. The various products of Nestle go thorough the complex process after many laboratory examination and tests. Quality control involves the examination of product at various levels and after passing all the stages it is approved to be marketed. The Nestle knows very well that it is not possible for a single one but it is the collective responsibility of entire team. The Nestle engaged a team of professionals who work hard to maintain the quality of nestle products. The team work needs to be developed in the workable environment to gain the goal at the neutral grounds. The goal of quality control team of Nestle is to identify the products which do not meet specific standards of quality. The products of the Nestle need the proper advertisement and its presentation in front of the target market to get the appreciation from the market. The change in the policy of the advertisement of the various products is becoming more necessary and vital for the product appreciation and acceptance towards the customers. The change in the management policies and the employment enrollment process is also needs a revision in the company. The cultural and the race difference should be eliminated and the equal opportunity employment should be needed to be structuralized in the organization. Identification for the change If we are looking for the positive change in the organization and making the performance of the organization more and more better. The first step towards this is to create a team which identifies the various areas and spots on which the positive changes can be made and implementation of such changes are logical and applicable for the company. The identification of the changes requirement of the company at various levels is very much inevitable to create the understanding the future of the company and the future of the strategy of the company in the short and the long term basis. The identification can be made possible by making the proper evaluation process and analysis of the history of the various products selling and the future expected demands and trends of the organizations various products and brands in the international market. The change is not only the requirement in the development and the strategies of the brands and the products of the company it is also necessary in the management, employment and in the workforce of the company. The identification of the change in any organization requires the following steps to be taken The evaluation of the brands strategy and acceptance among the consumers The evaluation of the employment satisfaction and performance inside the organization. The evaluation of the consumer management relationship and its outcomes. The analyzing of all the evaluation data and figuring out the malfunctioning parts and brands of the organization Making a effective proposal for the elimination of the problems and the implantation strategy presentation. the possible ways to get the solutions of the ongoing problems and threats that can cause the damages to the origination Areas and Techniques/Methods for Evaluation The company management can adopt various methods and tools to analyze and evaluate its different areas for e.g. they can evaluate brands, consumer management relationship, employment satisfaction and performance etc. Areas Business Environment The analyzing the business environment is very much necessary for the organization. The Nestle maintain the good business environment however the changes according to the passing of time are also on the cards and should be taken time to time to maintain the healthy business environment. Management Performance The management has multi-dimensional responsibilities and should present the sense of responsibility to perform their duties with full commitment and dedication. However the management done their part in the companys work performance and done with responsibility but the evaluation of the performance of the management of the organization is also very important as they should might be fully committed but should be committed enough to meet the needs of the organization in the long run. Employees Participation The employees participation in the change and n the acceptance of the changes is also a big thing to worry about, they are the one which I reality implement the change in any origination. The employment of the organization should be well aware and prepared to accept and implement the change in the origination to get the full participation of the organization. Product Marketing And Delivery The product marketing and delivery is also a very key issue to discuss if we discuss the changes and need to be made the changes in the organization. The review in the marketing and the marketing strategy of the various products should also be a part of the change. Product Appreciation The evaluation form the customers will make the company analyze the appreciation of the product among the consumers of the products especially when the company is launching the new products the customers evaluation should be taken in account as a priority in evaluation. Employment Satisfaction The employment satisfaction to the new changes adopted and the expected changes to be adopted in the future should be analyzed and studied. The evaluation from the employment of the organization is good enough to get the view that the employment of the company is indented to the change or satisfied from this kind of the change or not. Methods: Evaluation Performas: The evaluation Performas are made to get the customers opinion for a particular product and there should be another for the employment that either they need the changes if yes which areas they require changes. This is the best source of getting the direct evaluation from the customers or the employment of the company at a short period of time. Product profit/loss ratio: The product acceptance in the market will get a good business for the company and gives the profit if not so it gives the loss. The analyzing the statistical reports on the profit or loss of the particular products individually will enable the management of the company to make an opinion that the product is doing well enough for the company or not. Market trend: The market trends should also be analyzed by the management of the company to make any decision for the brand or a product. Consumer Behavior: The consumer behavior is the also very must effective stimulus for the change strategy of any organization the consumers are those which can cause the changes in the products and branding of the organization. Diagnostic Change After the brief identification and getting the clear picture of the needs for the changes in the organization the very next step of the management is to diagnose the strategy an effective strategy that can be adopted in the future for the implementation of the changes in the organization. Change Management Process To maintain the quality of the product the Nestle Change management team follows proper outline provided by the Nestle Company. The process involves the following steps Analyzing the available resources of Raw Material. The change management team analyses the different available resources from where the raw material can be collected and utilized in the product manufacturing. The Analyses is done by the team of experts which apply different tools/techniques to test. The quality of the raw material in available resources. The best and purest resources are selected to manufacture a product. Collecting methods for Raw Material The selection of method of collection of new material is as important as the decision to select a source of raw material. The collection of product raw material is done with proper care and by utilizing hygiene tools/ Techniques to make the product look good taste good and it should also be good for health also. Product Manufacturing The product manufacturing is also a very vital and key factor for the quality of the product. The quality of the product can be affected if not manufactured under the good and hygiene standards of the products. The Nestle Company has adopted the applicable methods followed by tools/techniques for the product manufacturing. The product is pure as come under the manufacturing process and the process is designed in such a way that it maintains the quality and purity is assured at the outmost and prime objective. Product Packing The product after manufacturing process is passed to the consumers for the purpose to maintain the quality of the product the packing of the product is done in standard packing which can insure that the quality can be maintained over a large period of time. The packing of product by Nestle is done in such high standard that when its products are used by the consumers the quality standards are maintained and build the image of the Nestle product in the eyes of the Consumers Specially food products are packed in such a way that there are no slide chances of Damage of Nutrition. Implementating A Change The implementation of the change in the organization is very important and the implementation of the change needs a well defined and organized strategy which brings the changes in the organization. The implementation should be done through best available resources and methods and techniques. Criticism on the Change Although the changes in the organization brings many positive developments and progress for the organization but it can face different type of the criticism at various levels by the customers as well as from the employment of the organization. The customers will record or show their criticism if they are not likely to accept the changes in the brands, products or the other options provided by the organization. The employment might also criticize the change in the organization if they are not use to implement such changes which they thought might not be good for them and the organization. Strength Nestle Tries its best to provide the products to there consumers keeping in view the total Change management ethics. Followings are the Strengths of Its products The High Quality and Purity of the Products. The Standard packing and high product image in the market. Competitive quality products in the market. Manageable pricess of the products. Weaknesses It is said there is always remains space for the betterment so Nestle Products always needs improvement with regard to quality and pricing. Following are the Weaknesses of the Nestle Products. Nestle Products are high priced as compare to other companies products. The cost of packing sometimes incurred higher then the product. Quality costs high and it becomes difficult for the company to compete in the market. The prices of standard products changed the consumer behavior. Opportunities The Good will of the company attracted the consumers. A wide range of the product captured the market Standard of the products is pleasing the consumer and changing their preferences. Attractive packing is providing health competition. Packing is hygienically very suitable to maintain quality. Threats Expansion of the market is a major threat to maintain demand and supply. High prices of raw material will effect the cost the products Nestle has expanded the net work in other countries so administrative costs will increase. Storage and supply will effect the market Conclusion The change is what which is required and necessary everywhere in the world and the change for the betterment or the apace for the betterment is always available. Nestle makes packing decisions keeping in view the following reasons Protection of Product -Due to expand marked of Nestle; International standard packaging is used to protect the product from damaging during transportation and minimizing spoilage. Customer protection -A visible packaging design is used to attract customers. This is also important for customers who are not well-known with the Nestle Product. The Nestle tries its best to make its products prominent among thousands of other products of other companies. For which its packaging designs stand out more likely to be remembered future shopping. Value added packaging -Though packing designs and structure and value of the product but benefits can be obtained from the package structure as it make the product easier to use where as stylistic designs catch more attraction of the customers. And looks beautiful in display in the stores as well as at home. Distribution Beautiful and attractive packaging attracts the customers and facilitate the storing. Pricing Affect packaging can influence a significant of a product selling price. It is experienced that some time cost of some product increased to 40% of a product selling price yet people do not mind to purchase owing to high standard maintained quality. However smart packaging minimizes the actual price. Research and Development department of Nestle continuously conduct surveys and research to improve the quality of products and its packaging. Thats why the company develops the revised packaging time to time according to the wishes of its consumers and desires of market. Whenever the company creates a new package it is most often with the intension of having the design on the market for an extended period of time. As changing packaging design for a short period can have negative effects as compare to long term. In order to locate the product and may not confused in the altered design. Recommendations By analyzing the facts and the history of the organization we can recommend the following The change management strategy of the origination should be reviewed and restructured The management and the customers relationship should be built by different scenarios. The new opportunities for the employment and the product launching are required but the management change in terms of organizational behavior is important. The advertisement of the products should be launched with the new strategies and promotional strategies should be developed.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Joggers Universe Essay -- Case Study Business Analysis, solution

Joggers Universe Evaluate Sue Koenig’s present strategy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I think Sue is trying to satisfy too many customers. She needs to concentrate on her target market, which is a major portion of her core business and market to them. This would be the hardcore runners and expand on the services and information available to them. She should also create some special freebie that would gain word of mouth publicity to bring more people to her stores. Evaluate the alternative strategies she is considering. She has the right idea with the custom made shoes. The serious joggers would love this because they know what benefit they get from a shoe fitting perfectly. The small investment she has initially will be no problem once the word gets out that she has this special service or product off...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Life of William Penn Essay -- American History

The Life of William Penn William Penn, most commonly known for the establishment of the state of Pennsylvania, could also be referred to as the first great pioneer of American liberty. His beliefs on equal rights and religious toleration not only contributed to liberty in the Old World, but in the New World as well. In a time when religions persecuted one another for their beliefs, colonists were stealing land from Indians, and women had little to no rights, Penn established a sanctuary free from the stereotypes that were common in that time in history. Founded by William Penn, Pennsylvania, and the eventual city of Philadelphia, will continue to bear the marks of the advancement of religious tolerance still witnessed by society today. William Penn was born October 14, 1644 in London, England and spent most of his youth in that general vicinity. He was the oldest of three children, having a younger brother and a younger sister. â€Å"As the eldest son, Penn followed the usual path as heir to his father’s estates. Thus he was educated in the typical manner of the gentry, being sent to a private school and later to a university† (Geiter, 14). After being homeschooled until the age of 11, he began his formal training at Chigwell Academy near Wanstead in Essex, England. Penn attended several colleges throughout Europe including Oxford University and Lincoln’s Inn, a prestigious law school in London. William Penn’s education and law background helped round out his skills and prepare him to take his place in society. His eventual conversion to Quakerism, however, prevented him from entering a political career as expected by his family. â€Å"While Penn did not follow the traditional route, by becoming, for example, a member of parliament, he d... ...eiter, Mary K. William Penn. Harlow, England: Longman, 2000. 14, 167. Print. Powell, Jim. "William Penn, America's First Great Champion for Liberty and Peace." The Freeman. Web. 1 Mar. 2012. Patton, Allyson. "Brotherly Love Comes To Philadelphia." British Heritage 26.6 (2006): 43-48. MasterFILE Premier. Jstor. 20 Mar. 2012. Foster, Genevieve. The World of William Penn. New York: Scribner, 1973. 32. Print. Geiter, Mary K., and W. A. Speck. Colonial America: From Jamestown to Yorktown. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002. 97. Print. William Penn Biography. N.p., 3 Dec. 2007. Web. 20 Mar. 2012. . Lingelbach, William E. â€Å"William Penn and City Planning.† The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography , Vol. 68, No. 4 (Oct.,1944): 401. MasterFILE Premier. Jstor. 20 Mar. 2012.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Was the Atomic Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima Justified

Were the Americans justified in dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945? The dropping of the atomic bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945 by the Americans is a very controversial issue with no definite answer. Both sides of the issue have very justifiable arguments. Reasons for dropping the bomb include the fact that Truman’s options were limited at this point in the war, that the bomb did have the desired outcome of Japans surrender and that the majority of reasons America had for dropping the bomb are justifiable. On the other hand, the atomic bomb was complete new technology and there is no way that Japan could have possibly been ready for it and for that reason the dropping of the atomic bomb is very much morally and ethically wrong. It is also important to consider that two bombs were dropped, both with different motivations and it is quite possible that while one is justifiable, the other is not. There were many reasons why America would have chosen to drop the bomb and the majority can be justified. Before the atomic bomb was dropped, America was nearing the end of the war. They had made the Potsdam declaration requesting Japans surrender and at this point had the Japanese at a very weak position. At a similar time, the Americans had completed the development of the Atomic bomb or Project Manhattan that, after Germany surrendered, had no other competition. A lot money had been put into the development of the bomb and at this point, Truman’s options were limited. Invasion was out of the question due to the Japanese’s strong military and patriotic values: The continuation of conventional bombings and a naval blockade were also considered but deemed unsuitable. The negation of surrender had been tried with the ‘Potsdam Declaration’ and had failed. It is important to point out that by ignoring the declaration; the Japanese in effect gave their acceptance of the Americans threats of ‘prompt and utter destruction. ’[1] America and Britain were both aware that the development of the bomb meant they no longer relied on the allied troops from Russia, and with the fear of communism, this was a motivation for the dropping of the bomb: ‘It is quite clear that the US do not at the present time desire Russian participation in the war against Japan’ [2]. There was also the question of time. The atomic bomb was by far the quickest way that America could see for the ending of the war, and they were eager to end the war as before long, Russia would become involved making a heavier casualty rate inevitable. America were also a very powerful country now they had the development of the Atomic Bomb, it would have been a waste to not be able to show their true power and the true destruction they could use through the bomb. There is also the point that the Americans were looking for revenge against the Japanese, as they had injured and killed many American soldiers, and even more to come, had the Americans not taken quick action. Looking back at the dropping of the bomb, it is possible to say that it was a method of prevention in many different circumstances. Firstly, the dropping of the bomb meant that the war would be over: ‘The atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended World War II. There can be no doubt of that. ’ [3] It is possible that leaving the war longer could have resulted in a much worse fatality rate for both Japan and America. Also, the dropping of the atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima effectively decided the use of atomic technology for weapons for the future. Before the dropping of the bomb, people had no idea of the severity and power of atomic weaponry and therefore, the argument can be made that the dropping of the atomic bomb prevented a lot more serious cases that could have happened say the power of atomic bombs was not explored at this time. The dropping of the atomic bomb caused great loss of life, and there are many arguments suggesting the dropping of the bomb was both morally and ethically wrong. There is no way that the Japanese could have been prepared for the dropping of the atomic bomb as the world had never witnessed something like the bomb before. The Americans had the opportunity of demonstrating the power of the bomb on a deserted area and showing the Japanese what they were facing. This was proposed by a number of American scientists, but rejected by the Military Leaders: ‘we did not think exploding one of these things as a firecracker over a desert was likely to be impressive. ’[4] There was the option of dropping the bomb on purely a military target, yet the Americans chose a target that not only affected Japans military, but took the lives of many civilians. The Americans were always slightly racist towards the Japanese or ‘colored people’ and this could easily have been secret motivation for the dropping of such a severe form of bomb. There is also the consideration of the two different bombs. The American military leaders would have been completely aware of the severity of damage of atomic bombs after Little Boy was dropped yet they still went on to drop Fat Man. It is possible that while the first bomb could be excusable, the dropping of a second, in full knowledge of the damage that it would cause, is not only unnecessary but definitely morally incorrect. It is also important to consider the Truman’s alternatives once again. From the American’s point of view, Truman’s options were very limited, but peace could have been found through the Japanese and the Soviet Union, a pathway which the President was aware of but didn’t really explore. It can also be pointed out that the Potsdam declaration was a very harsh document, especially on a country with such strong patriotic values. Had the declaration not requested ‘unconditional surrender’[5] and had in fact let Japan keep some of their imperial rule, they could have been more likely to accept the declaration. Japan was already very vulnerable when America chose to drop the bomb. In reality, it was only a matter of time before Japan would have needed to surrender anyway. America knew that Japan would need to surrender soon as they were unable to import or export goods: ‘it was quite logical to hope and expect that with the proper kind of warning the Japanese would have made peace’. [6] It really was only a matter of time before Japan would have had to surrender and America knew that. It is possible that the Americans were not just interested in the ending of the war, but had other reasons such as racial discrimination, revenge and greed for power to drop the two atomic bombs. In my opinion, the Americans have enough reasons to justify the dropping of the bomb. They gave the Japanese sufficient warning of their plan through the Potsdam declaration and it was the Japanese’s mistake to ignore this. They also completed the desired outcome with Japan’s surrender. For these reasons America can justify their reasons for dropping the bomb. However, being able to justify something does not mean it is necessarily the best thing to do, and I think that it was morally incorrect to make the Japanese uffer to the extent that they did considering that the war was almost over. The fact that America chose to drop two bombs changes my opinion significantly as well. The first bomb can be looked with the idea that America was not aware of the damage they could cause, however a second bomb was cruel and inexcusable. The Americans were after more than just the end of the war, they wanted the Japanese to feel their power and to have revenge: ‘In being first to use it we had developed ethical standards common to barbarians in the dark ages. [7] The bomb however has benefitted the world in the way that it has prevented anything like the atomic bomb disaster from occurring again, and the use of this technology earlier on could easily have prevented a later, more severe disaster. The dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima can be justified and looked at as a mistake that possibly had many benefits. The dropping of the bomb on Nagasaki was an example of the American’s greed for power and race driven revenge. In conclusion, I think that America had very strong reasons for dropping the bomb, some of which are valid and some of which are not. This said they should not have dropped it as they knew the effect that this bomb was going to have on Japan, especially when Japan was so unprepared, and there would have been much more appropriate ways of ending the war. ———————– [1] Lewis, Robert AGORA, Vol. 25, No 1, 1990, HTAV, Source 9, page 29 [2] Lewis, Robert AGORA Vol. 25, No 2, 1990, HTAV, Source 22, page 19 [3] Lewis, Robert AGORA, Vol. 25, No 1, 1990, HTAV, page 19 [4] Lewis, Robert AGORA Vol. 25, No 2, 1990, HTAV, Source 16, page 14 [5] Lewis, Robert AGORA, Vol. 25, No 1, 1990, HTAV, Source 9, page 29 [6] Ibid page 34, source 14 [7] Ibid page 19